Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Poems on the fly.

Homeless Words

Sometimes even my words cannot find a home
borrowed pads of paper
entries everywhere
I am like these words
I end up in so many places
out of necessity or
for the desire to
be put in something beautiful
Though the words care not where I put them
they are unchanged by binding the holds them
The important part is always that they are there
that they come out of hiding
and allow themselves to be known
they have beauty and meaning all their own
ever in borrowed pads of paper.

Mama Nap Lullaby

Sleepy Cuddle Time
Sleepy Cuddle Time
Rest, Rest, Rest
Your body
Your Mind.

Mount of Transformation

I wonder what to
name this mountain.
I'd like to hike another.
But I'm half-wa up
and stuck.
I see other climbing by,
I wonder what they call
their mountain.
It is no use to learn their names,
if I keep going
I'll uncover.
I muss press on to my own path.
As slowly as I like.

Full of You

I see how you pull me towards you.
Desperate am I to find peace in your Presence.
I am full of myself.
You know well what lie's inside.
Only in You can I empty my cup
and drink you utter acceptance.
Until I am....
Full of You.

River Current

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