Saturday, June 16, 2007

it always depends on the when the train is coming

i dont know if you know what you did. hes saying things he never said and it scares her everyday. hes growing, changing, learning and its getting to be a bit much. you see, i think he knows,...he knows. he asked about him once or twice. he called the other children's his. it scares her because what if hes always alone. alone like she was alone. if he knows the feeling of rejection. if he feels the absence of the strong hand leading him. her hand had always been too small, too frail, too shaky. she trembles as she guides. too gently or too harsh...always trying to find the middle ground. there is no such reality for her now. she must nuture and discipline. be patient and firm. she is everything to him and its becoming too much. we watch her moves very closely now. whispering at her mistakes, praising her for her sacrifice. we have put her on a high stool and there we keep her high. she must never get too close to us. she is a foreigner in this land. we admire her as a Saint, but we are no Saints and therefor can only get so


eva said...

You are both so loved by Our Father. I miss you, sister Brandi.

Bess Anne said...

You write so beautifully sister. i miss you. A lot.
"Yo Elisha!"